I am trying to setup the grid with a similar text format as seen on the demo. Unfortunatly none of this came out in the demo site and all that was setup on the grids was the social icons. Not sure why the team felt the simple text elements should not be included, but this leads me to my question.
I tried to setup the text with simple H and P tags but no luck. I then took from the demo and recreated the classes on the page. See below example:
<div class="gkStatus">
<a class="gkUsername" href="#">Welcome</a>
<p>Rotors-UP invites you to join our community, create new connections and share your projects!</p>
<a class="gkReadon" href="#">read more</a>
Still regardless I cannot reproduce the same effect such as the dark bold header text and the nice margin on the body of the module text. What do I need to do here short of writing custom styles? Seems to me this is already built in but I could not find an answer even on the (M) Social configuration page. I will say this though, I have the modules and the template setup with the exact same parameters as was done on the demo (not sure what I am missing?).