I installed Msocial Template (file gk_msocial_J!25.zip) in Joomla 2.5.16. Given that I have the problem posted here (by the way…can you reply me for this problem, please?):
https://www.gavick.com/forums/m-social/ ... 31325.html
I would like to verify it I resolve it installing Msocial template's update "gk_msocial_rest_files_J25.zip". I tried to install it using Joomla Extension Manager but I receive the error "JInstaller: :Install: Non è stato possibile trovare il file di setup XML" (ie. "JInstaller: :Install: it hasn't been possible to find XM file"). I tried also to use "Updates" feature of MSocial Template to update template automatically. Anyway also in this case without success: in fact I receive message "Loading update data from GavickPro Update service…" but nothing happens!!!
Can you help me please??