I installed Ohanah 2.3.17 (http://www.ohanah.com) and Gavick "MSocial" template for my web site (http://www.venturaluca.com/jupgrade2) based on Joomla 2.5.16 . I linked my entry menu called "Agenda -> Calendario Eventi" to Ohanah calendar, but nothing appears when I access to this menu entry!!! (see sshoot in attach). In fact if you click on the entry menu "Agenda -> Calendario eventi" nothing appears under the label "Prossimi eventi" (instead it should appear the Ohanah Calendar!). How come? Where is the problem? I think Gavick's templates should be compatible with Ohanah module given that in the configuration panel of Ohanah you can define buttons' style like "Gavick"….so where is the problem?
If you want I can give you super-admin credentials (login, pwd) to access to my Joomla admin panel to check this issue (in this case let me know how to send them to you).
Anyway I also contacted Ohanah support that told me:
. "Hi Luca,
You have (site wide) JS error
From home page (where is no Ohanah)
TypeError: Object [object global] has no method 'addEvent'
ReferenceError: IN is not defined
Check your template settings for JCaption or maybe SqueezeBox and change it's state (if it was turned off, turn it on and vice versa). Try experimenting with that. Also, don't use jquery 1.8 (try 1.10)
But I don't know if and where the settings above are defined in Gavick "MSocial" template…..and, above all, I am not sure that these settings are the real cause of the problem. This problem doesn't appear if I use a template different from Gavick's. Can you help me please?
Thanks a lot in advance!!

ps. you can access to my web site's frontend at link: http://www.venturaluca.com/jupgrade2 but note that home page is under construction (I am moving on the Gavick "Msocial" Template that has different positions from Yootheme "Revista" Template, the template I used before). So don't worry if some parts are missing: now the problem to solve is to understand why Ohanah calendars doesn't appear if I access menu' entry "Agenda -> Calendario eventi" !