Latest woocommerce update changes widget alignment

Modern e-commerce WordPress theme to build successful online store with WooCommerce support.
GK User
Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:19 pm
JTC site before Woocommerce activated.JPG
JTC site after Woocommerce activated.JPG
Hi, I upgraded my Woocommerce plugin to 2.1.0 this morning and this has changed the alignment of my Top Widget I and Top Widget II from three columns to a single column. Any thoughts as to what CSS changes I need to make in order for this to go back to three columns?

I've attached a before and after image.

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GK User
Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:16 am
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GK User
Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:59 am
Thank you, that did the trick.

But now I have also noticed that the Cart doesn't work either under 2.1, again it was working great under the 2.0. When you "Add to Cart" the page flickers but you redirect to the Cart or message stating it has been added to the cart. Then when I go to the cart, nothing shows. Any thoughts?

I normally would have tested the update on my "Test" site but bypassed the step this time... I should have known better.
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GK User
Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:39 pm
Could you provide an URL to your website? (here or via PM).

Because I didn't notice this problem on my installation.
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GK User
Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:49 pm
Hi Piotr,

the URL is, I have placed all the products as out of stock so that they do not show. But I just added an uncategorized test product, which can be found at: Using this Test Product you'll see that when attempting to add it to the cart nothing happens.

Thanks a lot for your assistance! Let me know if you need anything further.

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GK User
Wed Feb 12, 2014 8:32 am
Could you send me a PM with backend access to your website?
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