I have found the file to edit: widgets.product_gallery.php However, i am struggling with the code to echo category title? can anyone please help?
i have add this code that is not correct:
- Code: Select all
// am trying to add category title here
echo '<h4><a href="'.$art_url.'" title="'.strip_tags($single_cat_title).'">'.$single_cat_title.'</a></h4>';
- Code: Select all
// if there is image
if($art_image !== FALSE) {
// URL
$art_url = get_permalink($art_ID);
// output
echo '<div class="gk-image">';
// image
echo '<a href="'.$art_url.'" title="'.strip_tags($art_title).'">';
echo '<img src="'.$art_image.'" alt="'.strip_tags($art_title).'" />';
echo '</a>';
// header
echo '<h4><a href="'.$art_url.'" title="'.strip_tags($art_title).'">'.$art_title.'</a></h4>';
// am trying to add category title here
echo '<h4><a href="'.$art_url.'" title="'.strip_tags($single_cat_title).'">'.$single_cat_title.'</a></h4>';
echo '<div class="gk-price">'.$price.'</div>';
echo '<div class="gk-add-to-cart"><a href="'.$art_url.'" title="'.strip_tags($art_title).'" class="addtocart-button">'.__('View Artwork', GKTPLNAME).'</a></div>';
echo '</div>';
// increase the amount
} }