problem with my account pages

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Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:04 pm
Hi, i noticed a problem on the template.
If you go to the my account page and fill up the register fields, and click on the register button, it gives you a 404 not found page , but actually you are registered into the website.

Any ways to solve this? i think it's a problem of the message of done registration...


Also another problem, in the login module overlay, if you input wrong user or password, it redirects you to the wp-login.php form, that it's not elegant at all.. should just give error message to retry and reload the homepage.. any suggestions on how to do it too?

Ah and the pages problem it makes it also on password change. It actually changes you the password, but instead of telling oyu this, you have 404 page not found ( even if the password was changed)

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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:29 am

When you click "my account" in top menu - fields for login appear (not for register), and I don't have 404 error, could you provide some screenshot?

It's standard login form for all of our themes (you can always remove it and use other registration/login plugin)

And with password change, I don't have this problem, could you send a screenshot or URL to your website? (here or via PM)
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