How to set backgrounds for desktop / mobile / tablet / etc.

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GK User
Sat Dec 21, 2013 4:02 pm
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I adjusted the background for my website.

see ... und-image/

I added the code to the custom css field (template > advanced settings):
Code: Select all
body {
background: #fafafa url("../images/background.jpg"); background-repeat:no-repeat;

HOwever when testing my website at a tablet I see the default image, but not my own added image.
How can I adjust that?

The same applies for the '404' page. Is there a way to adjust that page as well?
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Sat Dec 21, 2013 5:05 pm
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First of all, thanks that you have read my guide.
Unfortunately, but as you have noticed it does not include the mobile version.
you have to customize :
1) gk_bluap\css\mobile.css
2) gk_bluap\css\tablet.css
3) gk_bluap\css\small.tablet.css
and add there background image for body.

:idea: ERROR 404 and others
here: templates/gk_bluap/error.php
like this
Code: Select all
<body style="background: #fafafa url("../images/error-background.jpg"); background:cover;">

:!: Unfortunately this page (file) is common to all Joomla 403,404,400 etc. errors
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Sat Dec 21, 2013 5:09 pm
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