I spent much time to solve this problem but without success.
My need is to have three GK Portfolios with different language phrase in each assigned button below (Polylang plugin is used).
What's more we use always the same posts. Result could be "static".
I was trying to make my own GK Portfolio but I cannot force "gk-img-overlay" to work properly. Probably beacuse of my poor knowledge about .php and .js that was used in original widget.
Now it looks like that and is used as Text widget (result in screen added):
- Code: Select all
<div class="gk-portfolio" data-cols="4" data-rows="1">
<div class="gk-images-wrapper gk-images-cols4 animate_queue">
<a href="http://vps47310.ovh.net/starsocks/spieleentwicklung/" title="Spieleentwicklung" class="gk-image animate_queue_element active">
<img src="http://vps47310.ovh.net/starsocks/...blabla.png" alt="Spieleentwicklung">
<div class="gk-img-overlay"><span></span></div>
//I have here three more <a>
P.S. I know that [pageurl] is better but it's not supported by Polylang :/
Btw. Nie chciałem śmiecić innymi językami po forum ale "angielska mowa trudna być"
więc jeśli nie udało mi się przekazać o co chodzi mogę zadać pytanie na PM lub maila.