That might be just impossible... But perhaps if you will understand why - then you will know what to do do make it better.
If you use # in the link the browser scrolls to html element with id that is after #tag, so: scrill the top of html: <did id="footer"> to the top of the browser.
On the creativity template we have used sticky top menu, so we needed to somehow compensate for the area that sticky menu with given height occupies - thats why every module has this big top padding - when the browser scrolls to put top of the module on the top browser edge - the padding compensates for the difference that top menu makes.
Now on desktop mode, java script is used to scroll so you was able to correct the point where the browser scrolls to.
With the mobile menu - there is a simple link with # that browser moves to, without any fancy javascript animation. Now, your header is quite big (like 3 times bigger than original one) due to very big logo. So there is no way to compensate that much of space with use of padding on the modules - it will look bad.
I would suggest to use vertical version of the logo, or just making it smaller on the tablet/mobile view.
You could also try to rewrite mobile menu support to use advanced java script scrolling, but that kind of changes is beyond of our support.
Hope this info helped you a little.