Hey Gavick, loving the theme but having a couple of problems, can you help please:
1. Portfolio:
Loads ok, then 'More work' then 'See More'. How do I change 'See More' to 'More in my Blog'..?
I tried editing the link in widgets.portfolio.php but it doesn't work.
2. Home links:
Click Portfolio and it goes to '#gk-header', click About and it goes to '#gk-bottom1'. How do I change these ID's to '#portfolio' and '#about'?
3. Contact form on Home page:
How do I move the Error message closer to the form? At them moment it loads the whole Home page again and puts the error message under the slider.
4. Comments are not switiching Off:
I've loaded my portfolio and chose to disable comments on my work but it doesn't always take effect.
Look at http://robbydesigns.com/rd/taskez-app-design/ and you see you can't comment
Look at http://robbydesigns.com/rd/mlbf-business-card-design/ and you see you can comment
yet they both have exactly the same - comments are disabled.
5. Categories is not updating:
Even though I've added categories including 'Identity design' to my Blog Categories, on a portfolio item page such as http://robbydesigns.com/rd/taskez-app-design/ you only ever see 'Web Design' in the Categories widget.
Thanks for helping, much appreciated.