No Demo content, no XML file.

Modern, responsive, unique and elegant one-page WordPress theme to showcase your creativity
GK User
Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:22 pm
Not a great start; I paid £35 just so I can use 'Creativity' but it doesn't work full stop.
I tried the quick install thing - b/s, all I get just looks like I did it the normal way (installed WP then the theme).
Tried the normal way and it shows up fine but no demo content of course as I'd need to upload an XML file (apparently) and THERE ISN'T ONE.
Not impressed, I thought Gavick were pro's.

Anyone got a hack to grab the XML file they couldn't be bothered to put in the pack????
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:34 pm

If you want to easy achieve the same looks like on the demo, you have to install quickstart package (it's wordpress installation with our theme integrated, you can't install it on existing WP installation), check the tutorial: ... tallation/

If you can't install a quickstart package, you can use *.json file with theme configuration and WXR files with demo content, but if you did'nt install a quickstart package, you have to set all widgets (with configuration) manually, widgets cannot be exported/imported using WordPress tools. ... wxr-files/

Several of theme elements are based on our widgets and cannot be exported/imported using xml file, so quickstart package is a good solution.
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