Alternative on Rollover

Modern, responsive, unique and elegant one-page WordPress theme to showcase your creativity
GK User
Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:23 am
On the home page of this template - in the About section where you have the 4 people's images... and when you rollover one of them a blue background animates in with FB, Twitter, etc... is there anyway to get that so that Custom text comes up rather than how it is now?

I see the code for that is below... I would imagine we swap out the data-fb, etc... but I dont know what to swap it out with:

<div class="gk-team col4 animate_queue">
<figure data-fb="" data-twitter="" data-gplus="" class="animate_queue_element">
<img src="" alt="Tim Berners">
<h3>Tim Berners</h3>
<small>CEO Executive Officer</small> </figcaption>
<figure data-fb="" data-twitter="" data-gplus="" class="animate_queue_element">
<img src="" alt="Julia Morena">
<h3>Julia Morena</h3>
<small>Creative Director</small> </figcaption>
<figure data-fb="" data-twitter="" data-gplus="" class="animate_queue_element">
<img src="" alt="Eddy Doe">
<h3>Eddy Doe</h3>
<small>Customer Support</small> </figcaption>
<figure data-fb="" data-twitter="" data-gplus="" class="animate_queue_element">
<img src="" alt="Robert Frost">
<h3>Robert Frost</h3>
<small>Web Designer</small> </figcaption>
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Expert Boarder

GK User
Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:48 am
Its not that ise, as there is a JS in the middle, which takes data-xomething and translates it to overlay that shows on hover.
So to do that, You would need not only to create new data-something key, but also write code that willchange it to text on the overlaying layer, and finally modify css'es to display it right.
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GK User
Sat Jan 11, 2014 4:05 pm
Is there an icon we can use to replace the social icons then? So that we can just change where it links to? :(
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:52 pm
To be 100% sure - you would like to place only one icon and link to another source?
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