Withous online access I cant give You exact css rule, but by inspecting html code You will find, that each module has unique id:
- Code: Select all
<div id="text-27" class="box mediumspaces all widget_text col6 nth2 last4">
This is one of standard modules in this template.
To change background on it You should add this css to: wp-content/themes/Creativity/css/override.css
- Code: Select all
#text-27 {background: #ff0000}
to make background red or:
- Code: Select all
#text-27 {background: transparent url('../images/backgroundimagename.jpg') 50% 0 no-repeat}
to create background from image, placed in /wp-content/themes.Creativity/images with name backgroundimagename.jpg centered horizontally aligned to top of the module.
Remember to enable "Use the override.css file" in theme settings (item in admin menu, under comments section, advanced tab).