Create new color style

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GK User
Tue Mar 22, 2016 1:42 pm
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Hi, i need to create a new color style to use in my creativity websyte template based, ill need a gray based theme style. Has anyone a idea how to make it?

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Fresh Boarder

Sat Mar 26, 2016 12:11 pm
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I'm afraid this it is too big and our support will not cover it, but If You wish to change one of the color schemes You have already than simply go to /css/style/styleX.css edit this file and replace all hex colors to one of Your choosing.
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GK User
Sat Jun 18, 2016 2:20 pm
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I need to know about some more aspects:

1 -

You said " /css/style/styleX.css "

but the path II've found is


and inside this directory are style1.css to style6.css files.

I'm I correct ? Are those you are saying we need to modify according to our needs ?

2 -

If I modify for example style1.css , will it be changed if there will be a template update in future
and I update it ?

If yes, should I copy what's inside style1.css to the override.css file and make changes there ?

3 -

In the SEO perspective (for Creativity or any of your other templates), is there any advantage about using
a text Logo instead of a image one with alt tag included ?

Thanks in advance,

Miguel Garcia
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Junior Boarder

Mon Jun 20, 2016 1:55 pm
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1. Yes style1.css to style6.css keeps the color styles.

2. During an updte this file will be overriden, so it's better to remember that or use a list of updated files only. I doubt that style files will be change ofted. Moving code to override.css will make rest of the styles unusable, so You can only use it if You wish to lock to one color style.

3. I do not think it has an impact to SEO, but a good practice is to use a logo an an image, so sharing or site previews can use it as well.
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