I want to remove the social buttons on the articles and replace it with the addthis social buttons but I can find where to to switch it off the social buttons.
An article with the social plugin is http://unet.eu.pn/index.php?option=com_ ... Itemid=744 , I want to use the addthis social plugin instead.Cyberek wrote:Sorry for late response. Could you please post an url to your site, to a particular article where this issue could be seen?
I have disable all the social elements and they still appear on the articles.Cyberek wrote:Please try disabling them by going to template settings -> Social API and disable all the available social elements.
I honestly don't know how to do that.Cyberek wrote:Ok, last thing to check - please check if the GK Cache plugin is called before system cache plugin
Cyberek wrote:You need to go to Extenstions -> Plugins and rearrange those two.
Cyberek wrote:Please send me a PM with:
1. URL to your website
2. login and password of user with admin/super-admin privileges (please create one for me)
3. ftp data (host, user, password)
4. link to this thread
Cyberek wrote:Ps. Not being able to access ftp server blocks any ways of debugging. Sadly I can't help much further if I cannot see whats going on on your sever (that is why I asked for ftp).
I have sent you a private message with the ftp data. When are you going to reply.Cyberek wrote:I have no idea what hosting type you have. I guess it would be the best to ask your hosting company support for that. Please write back as soon as you will have working ftp data.
Both the social plug in from the template and addthis are active... the link is http://unet.eu.pn/index.php?option=com_ ... Itemid=744 .Cyberek wrote:Ps, Please provide the url here, not via PM if that is not a problem - this way I'll be able to react faster.
Cyberek wrote:I have forwarded the issue to our devteam. I'll write back as soon as I'll get an answer.
The only thing I know is that www.unet.eu.pn is a subdomain.Cyberek wrote:Are you using any strange Cache system on this installation/server? I was modifying files in unet.eu.pn folder but it doesn't have any impact on the page itself. Or maybe your domain is connected to a different folder on your hosting server?
My hosting company told me that: "The exact location of your site when connecting through FTP is "unet.eu.pn" without a leading or trailing slashes."Cyberek wrote:Could you please ask your hosting company for help on figuring out from which folder is this site served (I need exact location on ftp server)?
<gavern:social><div id="gkSocialAPI"></gavern:social>
<gavern:social><g:plusone GK_GOOGLE_PLUS_SETTINGS callback="<?php echo $cur_url; ?>"></g:plusone></gavern:social>
<gavern:social><g:plus action="share" GK_GOOGLE_PLUS_SHARE_SETTINGS href="<?php echo $cur_url; ?>"></g:plus></gavern:social>
<gavern:social><fb:like href="<?php echo $cur_url; ?>" GK_FB_LIKE_SETTINGS></fb:like></gavern:social>
<gavern:social><a href="http://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-text="<?php echo $this->item->title; ?>" data-url="<?php $cur_url; ?>" gk_tweet_btn_settings>Tweet</a></gavern:social>
<gavern:social><a href="http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=<?php echo $cur_url; ?>&media=<?php echo $pin_image; ?>&description=<?php echo str_replace(" ", "%20", $this->item->title); ?>" class="pin-it-button" count-layout="GK_PINTEREST_SETTINGS"><img border="0" src="//assets.pinterest.com/images/PinExt.png" title="<?php echo JText::_('TPL_GK_LANG_PINIT_TITLE'); ?>" /></a></gavern:social>