Oscar E wrote:Sorry, but we are not official support for K2.
But most people insert there a code from online services like : AddThis or AddToAny
Thank you for your help, I got the code for AddThis:
"Step 1 : Add the following code to the <body> of your web site
<!-- Go to
www.addthis.com/dashboard to customize your tools -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="//s7.addthis.com/js/300/addthis_widget.js#pubid=ra-55ac8bb636e4f6ae" async="async"></script>
Step 2 : Paste this code into whichever page you would like this tool to show up.
<!-- Go to
www.addthis.com/dashboard to customize your tools -->
<div class="addthis_native_toolbox"></div>"
I was wondering if you can clarify me something... on step 1, in witch page I put the code, on the index.php, or on the templates/index.html or on the templates/system/index.php? And on step 2 is on Components/K2/Parameters/Social?