Oscar E, thanks for your answer about k2... But I want to reply on your p.s. Because it upset me a little bit... It will be longer that your p.s.
Oscar, I think that your remark is excusable for a young 18-years-old schoolboy - commentator on social networks, I think that business should not contact with the policy and human relations also should not depend on politicians.
I am 36 years old travel-blogger. 2 marriage, 3 kids: Sofia is 1 year, Stepan is 5, Roman from first marriage is 11... At now we travel witn my wife and 2 little babyes around 23 countries: you can read about it on our blog:
http://diary.travel/nasha-planeta/our-b ... ut-us.html (with help of google translator). This spring we have 4 mounth-trip at Hong Kong, Phillipines, Malaysya, Thailand and Bulgary (with 10 mounth daughter and 4 years son). And we have been in Poland three times: little bit grey (like Russia) but very good country. May be now you see: I am the same human like you, and russians the same humans like poles... Not soviet bears... Forgive me if I have offended you with my sharpness, I dont want to.
And now get to the point. Maybe you have some close friends or family in South-East Ukraine? I think no. May be in South-East Ukraine is working poland reporters? May be you see russian green soldiers in Ukraine? No one see. You dont know anything. Millions ukraines live in Russia and have families in Ukraine. I have family of my first wife in Makeevka near Donetsk (last mounth they was live with the kids in the basement of their home like thousands others). Ukraine forses with nazi-battalions is killing Russian-speaking civillians tens and hundreds, bombing houses, hospitals, maternity hospitals, railway and bus stations, markets and shops... On the Ukraine new pro-american government is waging war and genocide against his own but the Russian-speaking people. You dont know it because you see another picture on your TV.
But OSCE and International Red Cross is now see what happens really. And soon it will see all the world. Like it was in South Osetia in 2008. USA was screaming most of all that russian forces is attacted Georgia, wnen really american-trained georgian forces was bombing Tskhinvali! USA was shut up only when on american TV was telling the true citizens of Tskhinvali.
Russia was capture Crimea by force?! Without one shot??? Crimea has refferendum, because russian-speaking Crimea civillians was affraid genocide like in Donetsk or Lugansk?
Or Russia was shut down malaysia plane???
Oscar, when you see something on your TV try to answer for just one question... Who benefits from it? Who benefits from Ukraine situation and plane shut down?
Russia? No, we left ukrainian market, have european idiotic sanctions and economic fall because of it!
Europe and Poland? No, you have the same sanctions and economic fall because of it!
Ukraine? No, they have civiillian war and moneycredits. Country and economic is in ruins!!!
Only USA witn f***ng NATO (nazi agressive terroristic organization) and Ukrainian oligarchs have benefits from it! USA affraid of powerful Russia, Europe and other countries and try to raise their economic due to the destruction of overseas countries. USA dream to re-build a wall between Europe and Russia! USA-government dream to bring chaos to Asia and Meddle East or Africa! How? Simple! By sponsoring radical opposition nationalistic parties in Europe (Poland, Ukrain, Baltic and Balkan countries) and terroriristic organizations on the Middle East and Africa... And you must be blind if you dont see it! Afganistan, Livia, Siria, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Georgia, Ukraine... Who will be next? Russia poses no threat to Europe. USA is the only threat! In the last speech, Obama compared the "Russian aggression in Europe" with the Ebola virus in Africa and Islamic terrorism in the East! Shame! Terrorists in the East was created by the United States. And many believe that Ebola too. Do you see russians green soldiers in Europe? Look at the window - do you see russian green soldiers? And no one was see russian soldiers in Ukraine! With an 68 billion Dolar annual budget of the USA intelligence no one satellite did not record a Russian military in Ukraine or as a plane was shot down! How it possible? May be there is no russian forces in Ukraine and sattelite records that plane was shot down from Ukrainian side?
But if you really think that Russia is going to invade Europe with Poland and the United States cares to which a country other than the United States ... and do not think it's silly, continue to believe it!
I understand that the Poles easier to believe in the evil Russian and Russian conspiracies against Poland. I do not know reliably what happened with the Polish plane at Smolensk and sincere condolences. But I was living in that period in Smolensk: plane circled over the landing strip all morning, several times going to land ... And the fog was such that it was not visible in front of the house at 100 meters!
If you want to talk abot it o Ukraine situation, you know my e-mail.