Hi Teitbite,
Thanks for the response from Sat. Mar.15. My original questions are labeled as Q. Your kind answers are labeled as A. I still need more details for answers 1A, 3A,. I appreciate your kind assistance...ibike4u
1Q. I'm having trouble with the "contact" form to send messages. Every time I send something, there isn't an obvious "message sent indicator" Also, I'm not getting any messages at my email box at [email protected]
1A. To force showing messages please add this to css: CODE: SELECT ALL #system-message-container { display: block !important; }
Question: Can you tell me where to "add this CSS code"? I can't find the area to perform this. I didn't see this in the GK-Contact Plugin.
3Q. Where can I control the "Login" ? I'd like to change the text that says LOG IN OR SIGN UP to Login or Join. I also would like to issue an obvious email confirmation to newly registered people.
3A. All template related frazes can be changed in /languages/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_gk_creativity.ini file
Question: I've looked in the language section but couldn't locate this. Can you tell me where to find this? I couldn't locate this area in my Joomla Administrator.