gk contact on k2 item

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GK User
Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:07 pm
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Can someone please help me with this problem.

I implemented gk contact on front page and it works OK as you can see it: http://www.enel-konzalting.hr/

But, when i put it in k2 and i want it to display inside menus it looks like this:


it is the same contact. At the end of the page it looks ok, but over Breadrucms it puts a few more times the same contact.

Whyyyyyyyyyyy? :)
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GK User
Mon Mar 03, 2014 2:12 pm
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probably is something missing code is not exactly this same, there are broken " /> "
1) Delete content.
2) Disable TinyMCE or JCE editor - set CodeMirrow or NoEditor
3) Copy whole code from homapage contact content
4) Copy inside Custom HTML again. Remember also about suffix for module.

You can also use different contact module, more advanced ... you don't have to use this same extension on all subpages, be creative.
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