Hello friends,
I want to change the bullets!
They should look like these icons "icon-check-empty"
Does anyone know where you can change it and what to watch out for?
Thanks in advance
ul.gkBullet1 li:before {
color: #222;
content: "\f096";
Cyberek wrote:Please edit: /templates/gk_creativity/css/override.css and add at its end:
- Code: Select all
ul.gkBullet1 li:before {
color: #222;
content: "\f096";
Remember to enable "CSS override" in template settings - advanced section.
This change will change styling of all gkBullet1 styled unordered lists.
<ul class="gkBullet1">
<li>This is a bullet!</li>
<li>This is a bullet!</li>
<li>This is a bullet!</li>
<li>This is a bullet!</li>
<li>This is a bullet!</li>
<li>This is a bullet!</li>
ul.gkBullet1 li:before {
color: #222 !important;
content: "\f096" !important;