thank you for you great template.
I manage to install second language (Bulgarian) and to configure it using the Joomla core multilanguage system.
All is ok , except one thing.
The subpage mainmenu of the Bulgarian language is visible, but the home button - not brings me to the Bulgarian home, but to the English.
For example the site in English looks like: www.sitename/en - and the English subpage mainmenu home button bring me to www.sitename.com/en
In Bulgarian the site looks like www.sitename.com/bg, but when I press the subpage mainmenu Home button it not brings me to the www.sitename.com/bg, but to the www/sitename.com/en
For example the subpage mainmenu I had copied as a footer menu and in it the Bulgarian home button brings me correctly to www.sitename.com/bg
So can you help me where is the problem of the Bulgarian subpage mainmenu Home button
Thanks in advance