I am trying to set up quick start. I believe I have followed all of the steps documented in http://www.gavick.com/documentation/joo ... -joomla-3/ however when I open my page (re-generation.com.au) the installation screen does not come up?
You need: 1. quickstart package zip file 2. ftp client 3. information from your hosting company on how to connect to your server and where to put files (usually hostname, login, password, path) 4. information from your hosting company on how to create empty database (usually host, login, password, database name).
Now: 1. unzip quickstart package on your local machine so you see bunch of files and folders 2. upload those files and folders with ftp client to a folder pointed by your hosting company (usually public_html, or there is somwhere your domain name with public_html inside - put those files to this public_html folder) 3. Access your site with browser and run joomla installation step by step, providing necessary data.
Thank you. My hosting company has spent hours attempting to be helpful but overall running me around in circles. I have finally completed what I thought was right, according to the instructions, however now I get error message: The template for this display is not available, please contact the site administrator. Please help?!
It seems you have made some mistake. Remember, that before uploading quickstart files, the remote folder needs to be empty. Also you need to install into empty database. After that all should work fine.
HI Cyberek, thanks for your help. I have been dealing with ipower and what they call their technicians and specialists who continue to have trouble. This is a nightmare. Can you please go to my site and see the new error?
It seems like you are missing some of the files. Please check if this file: 'modules/mod_image_show_gk4/styles/gk_creativity/controller.php' exist. If not, I would suggest to remove all files and folders and upload them again.
If that will not help, please send me a PM with: 1. URL to your website 2. ftp data (host, user, password, folder where files should be putted) 3. Mysql data (host, db name, db user, db password, phpmyadmin link) 4. link to this thread
I can try to do it by myself, but I need to have complete informations to do it correctly.