Default Page Problem

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GK User
Sun Oct 13, 2013 5:24 am
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Hi, there's something that you guys have coded into the Creativity theme I'm using on Joomla 3.x that is just EXTREMELY over-complicated and has caused me hours of unsuccessful google searching. My problem is, my client wants a menu item that links to the home page. Now even if I set it as an external url, I can't set that as a the default page in the menu items. I want the intro page to be linked to a menu item called "Home." I want the site root to be the intro.
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Fresh Boarder

Tue Oct 15, 2013 12:29 am
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We have not codded anything like that. It's simply how joomla works.

Please create a home menu item with a type of single article. Than You can attach a different template to this element and make this template look like Your intro page.
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