I have an icon of other social network than in the module.
How to insert my icon instead Twitter or Google?
Oscar E wrote:hi,
sure it's possible but request some job. If you would search here on forum, probably you would see that you wasn't first person who asked about it before.
We used FontAwesome icons:
so you have to override those fields
.gkTeamOverlay a[data-type="fb"]:before { content: " "; }
.gkTeamOverlay a[data-type="twitter"]:before { content: " "; }
.gkTeamOverlay a[data-type="gplus"]:before { content: " "; }
Insert " " input Unicode from FontAwesome
Oscar E wrote:It could be because in this template there is old FontAwesome collection - I mean v3.1 - so not all "icons" are there.
Check here: http://fontawesome.io/3.2.1/icons/
But I will check more,, give me few minuts.
.icon-star:before {
content: "\f005";
.gkTeamOverlay a[data-type="fb"]:before {
content: "\f005";