Corrected version - please ignore last post.
I have tried to follow those instructions – however I am still not getting the desired results. For reference, my website is
In the “Creativity - Frontpage” Template (Default – All) I have set the following MENU SETTINGS:
- Show template menu: ON
- Choose Menu: “Main Menu” (Main menu has menu items: OVERVIEW, KNOW, ABOUT, CHARACTER, MORE)
- End item level: -1
- Menu animation: Slide & Fade
- Menu height and width animation both set to: ON
- Menu column width: 220
- Menu animation speed: 250
I have also set, under FEATURES, Suffixes for pages to Item IDs: “101- onepage” “301- onepage”. 101 is menu item idea for “HOME” page (not published) and 301 is menu item idea for “OVERVIEW” page (published).
In the “Creativity - Subpages” Template (Default – No) I have set the following MENU SETTINGS:
- Show template menu: ON
- Choose Menu: “Subpages Menu” (Main menu has menu items: HOME (not published), BLOG, TOWN, DINING, REALTY, GUIDES – most with submenus )
- End item level: -1
- Menu animation: Slide & Fade
- Menu height and width animation both set to: ON
- Menu column width: 220
- Menu animation speed: 250
Exactly like the prior template: I have also set, under FEATURES, Suffixes for pages to Item IDs: “101- onepage” “301- onepage”. 101 is menu item idea for “HOME” page (not published) and 301 is menu item idea for “OVERVIEW” page (published).
The menu module for each is set to position: “menu”.
Menu assignments for “Main Menu” are all menu items under Main Menu. Basic Options: Select Menu is set to “Main Menu”. Advanced Options completed are Alternative Layout: Default, Caching: Use Global, Cache Time: 900. Module Title Links (GavickPro) Enable Module Title Link: No and Module Title Address: BLANK.
Menu assignments for “Subpages Menu” are all menu items under Subpages Menu and Footer Menu. Basic Options: Select Menu is set to “Main Menu”. Advanced Options completed are Alternative Layout: Default, Caching: Use Global, Cache Time: 900. Module Title Links (GavickPro) Enable Module Title Link: No and Module Title Address: BLANK.
I am hoping you can help me figure this out. Thanks.