To add the Subscribe Modal form to your PHP page first you will need to add the 'Click here to subscribe' button to the page which activates the DooMailChimp Subscribe Modal form.
Use any editor (like Dreamweaver etc..) and go into the source code view of your page and add the following code in between the head tag of your PHP page(<head>… </head>), lets call this code Require:
Require Code: <?php require 'doo_inc/class/dooMCForm.php';?>
Now add the following code in between your body tag (<body>…</body>), lets call this code doo_load_form:
doo_load_form Code: <?php echo $DooForm->doo_load_form(true, true, true,'blueBtn', Click here to Subscribe); ?>
I have all of the files neccessary to make this script work. I tried implementing with "Advanced Custom HTML Module" and "Flexi Custom Code Module" which both allow PHP.
I have followed the authors directions but am just getting an error code.