I have changed the second slide, the bg color and the titles, the changes appear to have saved, i have even checked in phpMyAdmin and the content is correct for that module but it's not updating - totally confused as to why, below is the only thing i can think of...
I am using NoNumbers Advanced Module Manager to place a NinjaForge redirect module on the What We Do - (NSPPro GK5) to forward to an EasyBlog Category, actually they are published in the K2 item.
If you click on the Read The Blog button and then choose anyone of the first three items u will see what i mean...
When I go to the NSPGK5 Module i get the following message...
This module is probably incompatible with Advanced Module Manager.
The developers of this module have chosen to use non-standard elements and layout in the display of this page, which can cause issues with the extra features of Advanced Module Manager.
If you experience issues: Use the Joomla core module manager
BUT.... the slides save and the module saves correctly. AND.. the Use the Joomla core module manager doesn't work...
Has anyone any ideas on whats going on?
Site is here...