this is a solution to add the latest font-awesome on your website. I hope it will be helpful for every users.
Note : it does not erase font-awesome version 3.0.2 which is usefull for icon "animation" already installed. It just add new icons.
step 1 add css from 4.5 version to 3.0.2 version
1 : go to Font-Awesome download page http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
and download the archive on your computer. Extract the archive in a folder called "font-awesome-4.5" (for example)
2 : find in your website the file "/templates/gk_creativity/css/font-awesome.css. Download this file into another folder called "font-awesome-3.0.2" (for example)
3 : in "font-awesome-4.5" select and copy the content of font-awesome.css
4 : in "font-awesome-3.0.2" paste this content at the very begining of the code (don't replace !) just before
"/*! * Font Awesome 3.0.2"
5 : Important : line 7 to 11 just after "@font-face { font-family: 'FontAwesome';" find and replace url "../fonts/fontawesome-webfont..." into "../fonts/awesome405/fontawesome-webfont..."
6 : save (now you have the entire css for 4.5 version + the original css for 3.0.2 in the same file)
7 : upload the new font-awesome.css on your website folder (for security, keep a copy of the original one)
step 2 - Add link to version 4.5 icons to your template
1 : go to your website folder /templates/gk_creativity/fonts
2 : create a new folder called "awesome405"
3 : upload there the 4.0.5 version files you extracted from the archive "FontAwesome.otf, fontawesome-webfont.eot, fontawesome-webfont.svg, fontawesome-webfont.ttf, fontawesome-webfont.woff, index.html"
to the folder /templates/gk_creativity/fonts/awesome405
Now you can use the new Font-Awesome directly in your website
for example in mod_image_show_gk4 sliders, adding in your slide content <i class="fa fa-bed"> will add a bed icon