I've installed the quickstart materials next to a 'blank' site so I can lookup how things have been configured.
I have been working with other templates in the past so GavickPro templates are fairly new to me and I'm still figuring things out.
For your info: I have a multilingual site, with double menu's (so I have 4 menu's: home page for Dutch and subpages for Dutch and the same for English).
I noticed in the quickstart that all modules are being placed under each other in the bottom1 position.
In my blank site, they end up next to each other in the bottom1 position. So they are all squeezed together in 1 line.
The templates I worked with in the past had the posibility to manipulate this behavior in the admin back-end, however I cannot seem to find where this is configured in the Creativity template...
Another question: as I need to setup a multi-lingual site - was the Creativity template a good choice, or should I have gone for a more recent one ?