I'm quite fond of the GK contact plugin in the creativity template and I would like to apply the same style in the rockwall template. Can I download the plugin to install it in rockwall?
I need some guidelines here for that. can't seem to locate the plugin in the plugin manager and can't find it in the download section in gavick either.
I've done as you've suggested and somehow the whole site crashed. I then went into the ftp and manually delete the folder for the plugin and it is fine now. But it still appears in the plugin manager. Tried to delete it but they said folder doesn't exist which is logical.
I would like to use the contact plugin from Creativity in the Startup template but I am having the same issues. The plugin included in the creativity rest zip folder seems to have a problem with it on install. Is that plugin going to come available as a stand alone?
But now, I have downloaded : gk_creativity_rest_files_J!3.zip extract (unzip) plg_gkcontact.zip from it, and I installed this plugin inside gk_storebox_J3 without problems.