#gkPageContentWrap {background: #FFF url('../img/backgroundimage.jpg') 50% 0;}
#gkPageContentWrap {background: #FFF url('../img/backgrounds/bg2.jpg') 50% 0;}
#gkPageContentWrap {background: #FFF url('../images/bg1.jpg') 50% 0;}
apanou wrote:what are you talking about there is not " img" folder in the template . Also the reason you did not see the image is because i took it off because it did not work. Go look now I placed bg1.jpg image inside the images folder already in the template and use your code like thatand nothing happens
- Code: Select all
#gkPageContentWrap {background: #FFF url('../images/bg1.jpg') 50% 0;}
#gkPageContentWrap {background: #FFF url('../images/bg1.jpg') 50% 0 no-repeat;}
#gkPageContentWrap {background: #FFF url('../images/bg1.jpg') 50% 0 no-repeat;
#gkPageContentWrap {background: #FFF url('../images/bg1.jpg') 50% 0 no-repeat;
background-attachment: fixed;}