I installed the gk rockwall template, because we're currently making a new website for our becoss website (www.becoss.nl).
The new website (currently in development) is located at pjpeters.nl/becoss.
When I click on the big picture with the lady: " zoek een opdracht", it forwards me to a Opdrachten page which is a component by joombab jobs.
But as you can see on the old website (http://becoss.nl/index.php?option=com_j ... Itemid=102), the "Zoek opdracht" module is missing. I can only get this module to work in the new website when I select it on all pages. When I put it on "only the selected pages" (and leave everything checked) it won't work! Hopefully you can help me out. Appreciated a lot!
Thanks in advance,
Daan (pjpprojects)