typography / icons are not showing on joomla based articles.
can you please advise a fix.
Cyberek wrote:Could You post an url to your site with example article that should contain those typography / icons?
Cyberek wrote:Ok, and where will I find correctly "looking" link?
Cyberek wrote:You misunderstood me - do You have anywhere on your site an article, where the links is displayed the way You want (with icon)?
<a href="/community/groupsartist-pages/viewgroup/161-samantha-jade" target="_self">Join the Samantha Jade Group now!</a>
<a href="/community/groupsartist-pages/viewgroup/161-samantha-jade" target="_self"><i class="icon-calendar"></i>Join the Samantha Jade Group now!</a>
Cyberek wrote:To use typography You either needs to use plugin that comes with template, or html editor...
now You have:
- Code: Select all
<a href="/community/groupsartist-pages/viewgroup/161-samantha-jade" target="_self">Join the Samantha Jade Group now!</a>
and if You would like an icon to be showed ther, You need to have:
- Code: Select all
<a href="/community/groupsartist-pages/viewgroup/161-samantha-jade" target="_self"><i class="icon-calendar"></i>Join the Samantha Jade Group now!</a>
(example with callendar icon)
The same goes to other styles used in "typography" page of our demo template.