I ran my site page; http://drshawnadarou.com/fertilty-care/ through Google's Structured Data Testing Tool here http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets?q=http%3A%2F%2Fdrshawnadarou.com%2Ffertilty-care%2F# and I get the following errors:
Error: Missing required field "entry-title".
Error: Missing required field "updated".
Error: Missing required hCard "author".
Apparently i can fix this by editing single.php according to this: http://urbanstoic.com/how-to-fix-google-hfeed-or-hcard-warnings but when I open single.php all I get are GK reference calls. could someone point me to the right file to make the edits to correct these errors?? Thanks