I had two questions to see if there is any possibility around this. I installed the highlighter on the StoreBox template. First, is there a way I can change the distance from the interface box and the article titles? In the html, it show:
- Code: Select all
<div class="gkHighlighterWrapper" style="margin-left: 160px; max-height: 20px;">
<div class="gkHighlighterWrapperSub">
<div class="gkHighlighterItem" style="z-index: 1; opacity: 1;"><span><a href="/component/k2/item/224-we-ll-be-opening-this-summer-2014"><span>We'll be opening this Summer 2014! Projected sometime in August.</span>: </a></span></div>
however, I cannot find this option in the css or the file where this comes from. I'm looking to change the mating-left to 120px.
The last question I have is when in tablet or mobile mode, I there a way that the titles in the highlighter not be wrapped and any characters over the amount just be replaced with ... rather than the text messing the template?
Thanks so much for any help and all your great products/