I think that this problem may be related with fact that there is only one article here, please try to duplicate this item so then Highlighter will have at least 2 items to scroll.
Platinum Boarder
GK User
Sun Mar 16, 2014 8:07 pm
When I set more items, there is excacly the same situation - after last item there is break and after last item is hidded first start scrolling.
Fresh Boarder
GK User
Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:47 am
I've visited the site and the module is still showing only one item - could you duplicate the item so I'll be able to check this on live site?
Maybe I'm just blind but I can't see anywhere highlighter on this page. screenshot
Platinum Boarder
GK User
Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:49 am
Please switch language to Polish and then you'll see.
Fresh Boarder
GK User
Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:03 am
shados wrote:Please switch language to Polish and then you'll see.
Switcher there is in footer of page.
Fresh Boarder
GK User
Sat Mar 29, 2014 1:43 pm
Ok, now I see the problem - please tell me which script type do you use in module jQuery or mootools? Probably I need some FTP access to debug this issue on your website.