Highlighter is working fine in a new joomla installation for a new news portal.
The problem arises when I try to custom position the module in a row inserted in
the template's index.php area between topmenu and before the div "contentLayout"
using divs.
It works in this scenario: One row, this is the code inserted:
- Code: Select all
<div id="newsticker">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="newsticker" style="xhtml" />
Then, in the templateDetails.xml file I created the "newsticker" position with:
Again I must say: It works!
Everything fine up to here, then we needed to include the date in the same row,
to the right of the newsticker, so we try to have two divs doing this (that is
not working, this is where our problem is):
To split the row we insertedin the same spot (between topmenu and "contentLayout"):
- Code: Select all
<div id="news_bar">
<div id="scroll_text"><jdoc:include type="modules" name="newsticker" style="xhtml" /> </div>
<div id="date_time">Text to verify the row is here </div>
<div style="clear: both"></div>
positions named "news_bar", "scroll text" and "date_time" were aded in the templateDetails.xml
The divs are working fine with the following .css added to control size and
- Code: Select all
width: 100%;
margin: 0 auto;
height: 20px; /* required height */
line-height: 20px; /* depends on height for vertical alignment of text */
float: left; /* very important */
width: 70%; /* this can vary as required. If the div container drops down reduce this value slightly*/
height: 20px;
line-height: 20px; /* depends on height for vertical alignment of text */
float: right;
width: 20%; /* this can vary as required. If the div container drops down reduce this value slightly*/
height: 20px;
text-align: right; /* this aligns text to right */
This way is not working, can you tell why?
Some notes:
- The module works fine if it is on the row by itself or in the breadcrumbs position
- the first time I enabled the module and set it up the above "<jdoc:include type="modules" name="newsticker" style="xhtml" />" code was added by the module manager automatically, but now when I go to setup the newsticker it doesnt insert the code as before, saves with no errors, so I added the code manually (maybe this is why is not working, and if so, why is not inserting the module code into the div "scroll_text" automatically?)
- the positions created in the .xml file are shown in the module´s manager, and when seting up I can select the position with no problem (scroll_text),
Sorry for the troubles...
Thanks !
P.D.: Side question: Can I get with News Highlighter GK1 a similar effect as
in bbcnews.com? If so, can you tell me how to setup the effects? Thanks again