Hi all,
I created a copy to update my website from 1.5.22 to 1.5.23 to check on problems before going live with 1.5.23 version. I use the Corporate 2 template.
I realized that the News Highlighter GK1, v1.6.1, is not working properly anymore, showing all three articles I have in the News section, at the same time and settings like colors and animations have gone as well.
As your current module is only available for 1.6 and 1.7 despite what is showing on Joomla Extensions website, I am not able to use this module anymore as the potential updated module for 1.5.23 is not available anymore.
Could you please give me your input on what can be done to have it working ? I am not ready yet to update to 1.7. Could be great.
Thanks a lot for your help !