I downgraded the template but it still didn't work.
I can confirm that the problem is on the VM on the Template like you said. I hope the programmer are able to fix it soon.
I disabled html/com_virtuemart to see what happens:
1. The color selection works
2. All product display correct after selecting them from a search result
3. There is not pop-up (zoom)
4. The layout is distorted
5. My sidebar doesn't always display on the side
We have a lot of traffic on the homepage and I can afford to keep presenting wrong pages.
So after all this testing and playing around, I enabled again the com_virtuemart on the template and I put back the 4 new files that I have upgraded for the template since the problem is not with any of those files.
I have notices that the product detail page is not consistent: at one point it will display correct, and then it won't. Or a product will not display correct but the next product will.
Try selecting the second or third product under "Aktuelle Angebote" and then select the 4th one so you see what I mean
http://www.klavierhaus-langer.at/ Looking forward to the VM update for this template.
I don't know what I am going to say to my client now
Greetings from Austria!