Ajax mootools issue (product overlay)

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GK User
Mon Apr 18, 2016 1:25 pm
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Hello guys,
I am using the latest version of storebox and the wellknown module/component Custom Filters (from breakdesign.net).

The issue: the product overlay (circle) won't appear any more, if I run the cf-filtering module with ajax, as you can see here: http://dmt-he.bits.co.at/test/index.php/ergebnisse

To reproduce:
1) run the link and hover over the products -> you will see the overlay showing up
2) check one or more of the checkboxes on the left hand side -> you can see the ajax result
3) now hover over the products again -> no more overlay :(

By activating mootools for this menu-item, the cf-filtering module will stop working with ajax (back to html-request). In the old version (Joomla!2.5) everything was doing a pretty good job and was working well.

Does anybody have any idea or suggestion?
Thank you very much in advance and best regards
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GK User
Mon Apr 18, 2016 4:55 pm
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Okay, guys!
I solved the thing in a dirty way. Because the cf-filtering module isn't loading all js after ajax request, I place the "overlay-script" directly into the "onSucces" function of the general.js of the module.
It's a litte bit strange, but it works.
Best regards ;-)
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Fri Apr 22, 2016 7:39 pm
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Great to hear that You've figured it out. Thank You for shearing solution with others. I'm sure someone else will benefit from that too.
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