Hi ! , my web is http://xk000008.ferozo.com/
I have problems with the search engine. The default Joomla Search Engine doesnt find VM products.
And the VM search engine ( now published ), presents this error :
Unknown column 'ld.product_name' in 'where clause' SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS p.`virtuemart_product_id` FROM `lfpd9_virtuemart_products` as p INNER JOIN `lfpd9_virtuemart_products_en_gb` as l using (`virtuemart_product_id`) LEFT JOIN `lfpd9_virtuemart_product_shoppergroups` as ps ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = `ps`.`virtuemart_product_id` LEFT JOIN `lfpd9_virtuemart_product_categories` as pc ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = `pc`.`virtuemart_product_id` LEFT JOIN `lfpd9_virtuemart_categories_en_gb` as cl ON cl.`virtuemart_category_id` = `pc`.`virtuemart_category_id` LEFT JOIN `lfpd9_virtuemart_product_manufacturers` ON p.`virtuemart_product_id` = `lfpd9_virtuemart_product_manufacturers`.`virtuemart_product_id` LEFT JOIN `lfpd9_virtuemart_manufacturers_en_gb` as m ON m.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id` = `lfpd9_virtuemart_product_manufacturers`.`virtuemart_manufacturer_id` WHERE ((`ld`.product_name LIKE "%mikonos%" OR `l`.product_name LIKE "%mikonos%" OR `ld`.product_s_desc LIKE "%mikonos%" OR `l`.product_s_desc LIKE "%mikonos%" OR `category_name` LIKE "%mikonos%" OR `category_description` LIKE "%mikonos%" OR `mf_name` LIKE "%mikonos%") AND ((p.`product_parent_id` = "0" AND `pc`.`virtuemart_category_id` > "0") OR p.`product_parent_id` > "0") AND ((p.`product_parent_id` > "0" AND `pc`.`virtuemart_category_id` > "0") OR p.`product_parent_id` = "0") AND ( `ps`.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id`= "1" OR `ps`.`virtuemart_shoppergroup_id` IS NULL ) AND p.`published`="1" ) group by p.`virtuemart_product_id` ORDER BY product_name ASC LIMIT 0, 18
Any Idea? Thanks