I am having issues with this template and News Show Pro GK5. To make sure it's not related to customizations in the override.css I disabled this to check the issue.
I am using the lastest Joomla and module, but i am not sure about the template. I've seen this issue before with other sites and I think it's something with the module. So what is happening?
- When I use News Show Pro GK5 in standard mode with images thumbnailed it works fine, but looks ugly. As soon as I make the images responsive this works on a normal device, but it becomes real really odd and I get a huge whitespace on mobile devices.
- To counter this I've setup the module as technews 2 which looks really great on a mobile device, but just doesn't look nice on a desktop and tablet version. On mobile devices it shows as block with content, on a tablet and laptop / desktop I see a small line with some (half) titles and images.
- In order to counter this I've set up the module twice with nomobile for the normale and mobileonly for the technews2 layout. As soon as I counter my mobile I can see both modules cause my screen is more than 600px wide. On a tablet it still loads the desktop module but also the sidebar, so it looks odd eather.
What I would like is a News Show Pro GK5 module with technews module just like on mobile, but than with tiles more like within technews, but I can't find the CSS / place where to change it.
Mobile example:
http://mobiletest.me/iphone_5_emulator/ ... t-point.nl
So to conclude my question. How can I archieve the mobile effect from the mobile test on desktop sites, but in landscape.
I can supply images or provide more information. Thanks in advance!