Hello The last Virtuemart topic is 8 month old now and Virtuemart released with 2.9.9 an Joomla 3 compatible (non test) version. Is this a version for Gavickpro to integrate in "StoreBox"? I hope that, because the K2 shop isn't the alternative way for me. If yes , what time does it need?
Hi, Hard to say today, because StoreBox is not a new template. In most cases I suggest to use HikaShop, probably VM for J3.x will have lots of bugs when people for real start to use it. Do not forget that he was rewrite/recode and I don't believe is will be bug free.
Probably new templates J3.x will get VM when he will be stable.
Hi Oscar E, Thank you very much for your quick reply. I really understand your arguments. VM is one of the best ecom solutions for me and I work with it since 2006. I tested a lot of different shops but none of it gave me that much possibilities or freedom like VM did. BTW....I run several shops with 2k to 5k amount of product and it runs well. I hope Gavick will think about VM in StoreBox or another or new ecom solution. I like Gavickpro and its more then only one ecom template!