The blog page is set up with a description, then 3 articles in 3 columns below it. Here is the link:
And here is the code in Chrome:
- Code: Select all
<div class="items-row cols-3 row-0" itemprop="blogPost" itemscope="" itemtype="">
<div class="column-1" itemprop="blogPost" itemscope="" itemtype="">...</div>
<div class="column-2" itemprop="blogPost" itemscope="" itemtype="">...</div>
<div class="column-3" itemprop="blogPost" itemscope="" itemtype="">...</div>
However, in FF and IE the page is broken. The description is fine and the first column displays properly. However, the second and third columns are no longer children of the <div class="items-row" div but they seem to blow out of it. The result is column-1 is 1/3 of the page, column-2 and column-3 instead lose part of the styling and they no longer get the 33.3% width they need to work. This is what they look like in firebug (In IE is a similar mess):
- Code: Select all
<div itemtype="" itemscope="" itemprop="blogPost" class="items-row cols-3 row-0">
<div itemtype="" itemscope="" itemprop="blogPost" class="column-1">...</div>
<div itemtype="" itemscope="" itemprop="blogPost" class="column-2">...</div>
<div itemtype="" itemscope="" itemprop="blogPost" class="column-3">...</div>
As you can see, column-1 works fine and is inside the "items-row" div, but then after the first column is rendered column-2 falls outside it and column-3 falls outside the <section> element.
(Naturally, I edited the code a bit to make it readable and as similar as to what I see in Firebug as possible).
If I rename "com_content" under the template HTML directory, everything works. I will keep this as is at this link:
Until this Monday. After that, I will rename com_content as it apparently fixes the problem well without major drawbacks.
Thank you.