Hi Everyone,
This is my first time using a Gavick template and I have a question about the News Pro module on the Store Box template.
I understand the main concept of pulling in the latest article from each category, etc., but I am hoping that the module is more flexible than that.
I would like to know if it is possible to have the module show the name of the category and have the 'more details' link go directly to the X-Category landing page?
In this case, the template is being used for a Concierge Service. The News Pro module should only show the service options/category titles i.e.) Business Referral Service, Corporate Concierge Services, Elder Concierge, and each 'more details' aka read more link should link directory to the category blog page i.e.) Elder Concierge landing page showing specific Elder Concierge Services provided i.e.) Day Trips, Errands & Appointments Escort, etc.