OK. I have uploaded the latest template version, cleared all possible caches, and still there are no tabs in template manager for only your template. The rest of the templates' tabs work.
I require the other tabs to change fonts, plus make responsive options. I need to do it now. Please let me know your course of action before you do anything to site files. Thanks
Pipemeister wrote:Your template administration stopped working long before I updated to Joomla 3.1.5 but I will try this latest version and see.
teitbite wrote:Hi
They answered some time ago, but I've missed it. Very sorry for that:
User needs to update template to 3.9.1 version, right now it is 3.9. In last week we've released update for J!3 templates and only templates in v.3.9.1. works properly with Joomla! 3.1.5 (because lot of changes in admin scripts and styles).