NSPGK5 arrows/pagination not showing

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Fri May 31, 2013 10:15 am
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Just as the subject says. The arrows and/or pagination is not visible when i use the Storebox template. I've used the same version of NSPGK5 on other sites and it always shows up.
I've checked the demo site and it woks there but maybe it's not Joomla 3, perhaps it's related to that somehow.

I've tried to place the module in the sidebar and the loadposition but it's the same. I've noticed that it always wanted to pick the css from within the moduele folder so i put the storebox style 1 in override.css and made all !important but that did'nt help.

You can check this link to see what I mean. http://www.newschool.se/nanexanew/index ... nodization
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Fri May 31, 2013 11:01 am
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please remove styles copied to override.css and then try just add there:
Code: Select all
.nspTopInterface {
top: 0px !important;
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Fri May 31, 2013 1:20 pm
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Thank you for quick response!

The pagination shows but not in the correct place when i included your code. For some reason it started to work on the rest of the pages but not the one i attached in my previous post. I've looked if there was a suffix on that menu item or something that interfered but i didn't find anything. I've made a new menu item with the same article and now it works. I can't figure out what the problem was, it looked like there was some kind of overlay that hid the pagination but i did'nt see such a thing in the code.

Anyhow it works and thats the main part.
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Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:30 am
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Maybe it was just a cache issue. Please always remember to clear browser & Joomla! cache after any site changes.
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