Hi. I was hoping to ask a few (but very quick) questions if I may.
My site is at http://gpjdev.com/ and if you log in using
User: tester
Pass: tester 123
(this is only front end access and I'll delete the account after this post so not to worry about security).
1. Under the dropdown menu services I've put creative and design. You'll notice the icon and text don't line up. The icon is 32x32 and I've tried a smaller icon but it's the same. Is there some css please to make these line up?
2. On this page http://gpjdev.com/index.php/services/cr ... -face-time is there a way to have the related items so the main image too please?
3. Also on this page (and for all item views) what the css code be to just float the print and email icon to the right please but leaving the published in the same?
4. Still on the item page under the social icons at the bottom but before the related it's like there's an empty div showing. Do you know how to remove this please?
5. Still on the item page you'll notice that if you click on the main image sometimes it displays in a modal and others it displays in the browser? Is this a bug or can I make it always in a modal?
6. On the homepage I'd like to center the module title 'featured projects' and have put some css in for this. However it also centers the other text within the news show pro module. Any ideas how I can center just the module title please?
7. On the homepage at the bottom where it shows the partner agencies - how would I center the center the contents of the module please as the logos don't look right?
Thanks so much for your help.