trying very hard to get a grid in place in HEADER position using grid GK5, but all the images going haywire..would be thankful if any learned teacher could give me a clue of whats wrong in the configuration
pcmart dotcom dot sg
teitbite wrote:Hi
It's all fine, You just need to remember that if You are using 1x1 images should be at least 180x180px, than 2x2 should be 340px x 340px and so on. This way images will fill the boxes.
thambi wrote:teitbite wrote:Hi
It's all fine, You just need to remember that if You are using 1x1 images should be at least 180x180px, than 2x2 should be 340px x 340px and so on. This way images will fill the boxes.
thanks for the above instructions and has come out well as below
only two more points i need help and then i am on my own
1. how to make the banner on the right hand bottom corner fill up the box completely without any white spaces for that particular bottom right last box.
2. my menu and the logo is overlapped by the header module and i wish to push the menu and logo and top menu to the top, and then the gk5 grid to cover the header.. as per below example
http://www.fomentosansebastian.eus/dono ... uration-ii
#gk-grid-726 .gkGridElement {
border: medium none;
teitbite wrote:Hi
Add this to override.css it will remove the spaces between boxes
- Code: Select all
#gk-grid-726 .gkGridElement {
border: medium none;
teitbite wrote:Hi
I'm trying, but I think I do not understand what is not working exactly. With code:
#gk-grid-138 .gkGridElement {
border: medium none;
result is good.