I would suggest to use override.css and medie queries that correspond to those used with loading stylesheets:
- Code: Select all
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www.pentagon-store.com/templates/gk_storebox/css/small.desktop.css" media="(max-width: 1100px)" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www.pentagon-store.com/templates/gk_storebox/css/tablet.css" media="(max-width: 1030px)" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www.pentagon-store.com/templates/gk_storebox/css/small.tablet.css" media="(max-width: 820px)" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://www.pentagon-store.com/templates/gk_storebox/css/mobile.css" media="(max-width: 700px)" />
to access logo You should use:
- Code: Select all
#gkLogo img {
width: 100px;
(size is just an examlpe).
So working media query in override.css should look this way:
- Code: Select all
@media (max-width: 1100px) {
#gkLogo img {
width: 300px;
@media (max-width: 1030px) {
#gkLogo img {
width: 250px;
Ps. - remember to enable override.css in template settings.